Thursday, August 1, 2013

Important things happen every day, and it seems I hardly have time to comment on them anymore. In recent weeks, Detroit went bankrupt, the north pole melted, and Congress continued to fail us on a daily basis. The August recess is looming, and what have they accomplished this year? Really nothing. There was an author on the Daily Show this week with a his new book about just how worthless they are. They literally only exist to enrich themselves now.
FOX News has been bashing workers making the minimum wage. Because it's really their fault, isn't it, that the only jobs available are in fast food? Which is killing us. I understand marketing, but when McDonalds makes you supersize just to get an opportunity to win MONOPOLY, what have we become? Exactly what they want - consumers. You probably have better odds of winning Powerball than finding $1 million on a Big Mac.
America has become a caricature, and yet, all of us are angry and bickering amongst ourselves while the country burns and the rich hum along. They're the job creators, remember? And how's that working out for us?
Luckily, all of it is being documented well on Check out some of these articles:
Climate change is for real - take it from a former denier.
What can we do about it? Here's some hope in Knoxville, Tennessee, of all places.
How about food systems? One Vermont mining town is making a comeback.
A little something on Detroit, because this is a big deal. Capitalism is going bust, because there are limits to growth. But the GOP is still peddling tax cuts and growth as the only path forward. I'd say don't believe the hype, although it's clear we don't. Congress' approval rating is in the single digits. When will we say enough?
The Archdruid has been talking about the myth of progress a lot lately. Follow him for more.