Thursday, October 4, 2012

magical thinking

I've read some interesting things lately showing how growth is really our problem. Anyone with a high school education should be able to understand that all things have limits. We live on a finite planet. It's not rocket science.
Yet, Republicans still believe that growth is the answer to our problem. Mitt Romney suggests that if we just lower the tax rate, businesses will hire and everything will be rainbows. Our economy will grow so much that we'll have more revenue, (hopefully enough to erase the excess environmental damage from burning carbon to fuel all that growth. Go easy on big oil, yo!)
What else should we expect from someone who believes in magic underwear?
Fact: Income disparity in America is as great as it was in the 1920's - the era of the robber barons. Tax cuts have concentrated more wealth in the hands of the few. And where are the jobs? Give a poor man a dollar and he spends it. That's what drives this economy. If the rich think they can hide out in the Catskills from the starving, angry mobs, then I hope they ask Marie Antoinette about how laissez-faire worked out for 18th century France. I bet she's speechless.

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